What's Included?
Lesson 1: The Science of Baby Sleep
Lesson 2: How much sleep do Babies Need Sleep
Lesson 3: The Perfect Time for Naps and Bedtime
Lesson 4: Understanding Baby Sleep Stages
Lesson 5: Handling Sleep Regressions
Lesson 1: Sleep Props
Lesson 2: Recognizing Signs of Sleepiness
Lesson 3: Implement The Eat-Play-Sleep Routine
Lesson 4: Ideal sleep environment
Lesson 1: Intro to Bedtime Routines
Lesson 2: Bedtime Routine for 4-12 months
Lesson 3: Bedtime Routine for 12-18 Months
Lesson 4: Nap Time Routine
Lesson 1: Learning to sleep
Lesson 2: Transitioning Baby to their own room
Lesson 3: The Last Feed Before Bedtime
Lesson 1: Intro to Sleep Plan Options
Lesson 2: Sleep Plan 1 – In The Room
Lesson 3: Sleep Plan 2 - Leave & Check
Lesson 4: Handling Night Feedings
Lesson 1: Nap Training
Lesson 2: Fixing Early Morning Wake ups & Short Naps
Lesson 3: Dropping A Nap
Lesson 1: Top 12 Tips
Lesson 1: Dealing with Daylight Savings Time Changes
Lesson 2: Travelling
Lesson 3: Teething & Being Sick
Lesson 4: Sleep Training Disagreements
Schedules By Age
Routines By Age
Naps Sleep Plans - Step By Step Guide
Travel Checklist
Our Must Have Items
Email: info@babysnoozeexperts.com
Site: www.babysnoozeexperts.com